Wednesday 3 July, 12.00pm – 13.30pm
Hybrid Event: Wellington CBD and MS Teams
The New Zealand Institute of Intelligence Professionals cordially invites you to attend a discussion with Zane Verran from IntelligenceHQ on the language of risk. IntelligenceHQ is run by highly experienced intelligence analysts, who work to provide premium analytical and training services. With insights gained from several decades of experience in the sector, they provide tailored services to better support your intelligence needs.
Deloitte have generously offered to host this event , which will take place on Wednesday 3 July,1200-1330, at the Deloitte Offices, Level 12, 20 Customhouse Quay, Wellington. The event will also be livestreamed.
Those wishing to attend in-person are requested to RSVP by 1200 on Thursday 27 June. We would be grateful if you could arrive on the day no later than 11:45 for a 12:00 start. There will be a range of light refreshments available at the venue. Due to venue size, we may not be able to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend. Priority for in-person attendance will be given to NZIIP members followed by first come, first served. Individuals who cannot be accommodated will receive notification no later than Monday 1 July.
If you have any questions, please contact us at