Welcome to the New Zealand Institute of Intelligence Professionals

Our vision:

A connected and skilled intelligence community in New Zealand.

NZIIP aims to be a positive influence on the shape and direction of intelligence practice in New Zealand by enabling excellence for individuals or organisations with intelligence or intelligence-related roles/services.

Our mission:

To grow and connect the intelligence professional and profession through participation, partnerships and protection.


NZIIP Presents: Regulatory Intelligence in Action with Marty Greentree

On 20 February, NZIIP Northern Region will be hosting Marty Greentree, Manager of the Regulatory Investigations team at Te Tari Taiwhenua | Department of Internal Affairs. He will be discussing an investigation his team undertook in the gambling environment.

Election Results

Every year the Institute holds elections to decide who will sit on the Board to lead the organisation for the next year. The results of our 2025 Board elections are now available.

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Connect, train, and grow through NZIIP membership – with many options available.

Attend a NZIIP event

Attend an event

The national conference and regular regional meetings are a great opportunity to meet with colleagues in the profession, share ideas and build networks which will help you in your current and future work.

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