Why become a member?

NZIIP membership offers you more opportunities to build your professional networks, to learn and share knowledge, and to contribute to making the intelligence profession the best that it can be. Although many of our meetings are open to anyone, we also host members-only events, particularly when either classification or venue size means that restrictions need to be applied.

Within the members area of this website, there is a community forum, a jobs board, details of training opportunities and easy access to external resources that are beneficial to intelligence analysts. The Institute subsidises or sponsors training courses for our members to encourage cross-agency networking and learning. Members also receive regular member-only communications, and get discounted rates for the annual conference.

New membership applications

Full details of the rules and rights of each category can be found below. Applications can take up to 20 working days to process as our volunteers will need to independently verify each application. Upon successful acceptance as a member, you will be invited to pay your annual fee and register for a members account.

All applications should be aware that NZIIP is required to maintain a record of membership applications, as well as current and former members, to meet legislated requirements stated within the Incorporated Societies Act 2022.

Membership of the Institute is a privilege and not a right, and the Institute is not bound to accept any applicant for membership. The Committee is entitled to reject any application for membership if it determines that the grant of membership to the individual or entity in question would not be in the best interests of the Institute. There is no right of appeal from the Committee’s decision.

Returning members

If you have previously been a member at any point, and this is the first time you have visited our refreshed website, then you will need to create a new account. On the application form, please select the ‘previously been a member’ option. We will check your details against are archived records, and you will not be required to repay a verification fee as you will have been verified when you joined previously. To help us find your details, please use the supporting notes section of the application form to provide any information that would allow us to find your record, including any previous names or email addresses you might have used to register.

Approved Employers Scheme

The Institute has an arrangement in place with a number of private and public sector organisations to allow the organisation to pay the membership fees for approved employees. In this case, you should have been informed of this through your organisations internal communications. If you are unsure if your organisation is enrolled in the Approved Employers scheme, please contact our membership coordinator, who will be able to provide further information. 

Overview of Membership Types

Full Membership

Full members are eligible to both stand for and vote in NZIIP elections and are entitled to vote on any motions made at a Special or Annual General Meeting. Full members are authorised to use the post-nominal MNZIIP.

Student Membership

Student members do not possess voting rights or the right to seek elected office. This membership type can be reissued annually as long as the Student Member provides evidence of continuing enrolment in full-time study.


The Board of the Institute reserves the right to award life membership to any individual in recognition of that person's contribution to the intelligence community. This contribution could be recognition of an individual's service to the intelligence community within New Zealand or internationally, or to NZIIP itself.

Eligibility Requirements

Awarding of ‘Fellow’ of the Institute shall require:

  • that a nomination be brought to the Board at least 28 days prior to the NZIIP Annual Awards Night;
  • that a nomination is scored in accordance with the NZIIP Awards Process, and achieves at least 75% of the overall score;
  • a unanimous vote of Board members present at that Board meeting.

Voting Rights

A Fellow of the Institute has the same voting rights as a Full Member, but is not required to pay an annual membership fee. A Fellow is authorised to use the post-nominal FNZIIP.

Individuals applying to join the Institute for the first time will be required to pay a one-off $50 joining fee and will need to submit evidence of their eligibility in accordance with the categories laid out below.

Criteria and Fees
Full Membership Student Membership
  • An individual currently employed or who has previously served in an intelligence or intelligence-related role in a New Zealand Public Sector organisation, or
  • An individual currently employed in an intelligence or intelligence-related role in a private sector organisation with a purpose and objectives that, in the view of the Board, align with the objectives of the Institute, or
  • An employee of an academic institution undertaking research relevant to the intelligence sector, or;
  • An individual who has been deemed by the Board to have
    the required experience to justify the category of Full Membership.
Students enrolled full-time studying for an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification at a New Zealand university.
Evidence Requirements
  • A letter of confirmation from line manager or supervisor, or
  • A Curriculum Vitae, or
  • A letter of recommendation from a current NZIIP member.
Official confirmation of enrolment letter issued by a New Zealand University
Annual Fee $100 $50

Become an Approved Employer

The Institute values the vital role that both New Zealand government agencies and private sector organizations play within the intelligence community. To recognise and support these contributions, the Institute offers the Approved Employer Scheme. Approved Employers agree to cover the cost of their employees’ memberships through an annual billing process. This allows individuals to bypass the need for verification documentation and avoids the payment of verification fees, and all employees covered under this arrangement will be entitled to Full Membership. Discounts are available for bulk memberships.

To become an Approved Employer, agencies must agree to nominate an Internal Membership Administrator. This individual will verify who is entitled to membership under the arrangement, and will be the point of contact for any queries from the Institute about applications from employees of that agency or organisation. For further information, please contact membership@nziip.org.nz.